Our Policies
Can't find the policy you need or have questions? Please pop in or get in touch.
Paper copies of policies are available upon request.
Some policies are Trust-wide, find them here
These Trust-wide policies are:
- Anti Fraud and Corruption Framework
- Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Charges and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy
- Educational Visits Policy
- Equality Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Reserves Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
- Treasury and Investment Management Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester ICT and Acceptable Use policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Looked after and previously looked after children Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester PSHE Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Relationships, Sex Educations and Health Education Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester SEND Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Accessibility plan
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Admission Arrangements 2024-25
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Anti-bullying policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Attendance Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Behaviour Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Biometric Data Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester CEIAG Programme 2024-2025
- Co-op Academy North Manchester CEIAG Provider Access Legislation 24-25
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Charging and Remissions Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Children with health needs that cannot attend school policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Communication policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Communication policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Dogs on site policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Educational Visit Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Equality Statement
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2024-25
- Co-op Academy North Manchester First Aid Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Home School agreement
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Intimate Care Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Online Safety Policy 2024/25
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Positive Handling Policy
- Co-op Academy North Manchester Safeguarding Policy 2024/25