Key Reminders for Parents & Carers
We’ve had an excellent start to the term, with both returning and new pupils settling into academy life wonderfully.
Here are a few important reminders:
Arrival Time
The academy site opens for pupils at 8:00am. Pupils arriving earlier will need to wait outside the gates. Duty staff will be on hand to welcome them.
Arbor Parent Portal
Thank you to everyone who has transitioned to the new Arbor Parent Portal. We appreciate your patience during this process. If you haven't yet done so, we strongly encourage you to download the free Arbor Parent App from the App Store or Google Play store. For more information, please refer to this guide. The app is user-friendly and ensures you receive push notifications for all important academy communication and provide consent for your child to attend educational trips and visits or sporting fixtures without the need to complete an online consent form.
The app also enables parents and carers to update their child’s record. We kindly ask that you review the details we have on file and update any information that has changed.
Attendance Initiatives
We are pleased to report a strong start to the academic year in terms of attendance. To maintain this positive momentum, we will be offering a reward for pupils who meet the following criteria.
During the weeks beginning 16th and 23rd September, pupils with 100% attendance (including authorised absences) and no late marks will receive a reward. Additionally, there will be prize draws for pupils who meet these criteria. More details will be shared with pupils during form time and assemblies.
Food and Drink
A free breakfast is available for all pupils in the main canteen from 8:00am to 8:25am.
To make lunch choices easier, meal deals (including a meal with a drink or a meal with a dessert) are available in the canteen. You can find more information about these meal options on our website here.
Please check your child’s eligibility for free school meals by completing this form. A separate application is needed for each child attending the academy and we ask that parents and carers send their confirmation of eligibility to the academy via email. Free school meals cover lunch only and include all meal deal options. Staff are available in the canteen to assist pupils with any questions.
Replacement Planners and Uniform
All uniform items and replacement planners can be purchased through the Arbor Parent App. Pupils can collect their purchases during break or lunch the following day, or parents/carers can pick them up from the academy if preferred.
Upcoming Events
Our Open Evening is taking place on Thursday 26th September, pupils will be dismissed from the academy at 1.20pm. Please ensure that you make arrangements with your child to allow them to travel home safely.
The academy will be closed to pupils on Friday 27th September for a staff INSET day.
A full list of academy events and term dates can be viewed on our website.
Should you need any further information please contact the academy on 0161 681 1592 or email
Thank you for your continued support.