I am a parent/carer or employer who wishes to give a Careers Education Talk. Who should I speak to?
Are you passionate about the world of work and providing skills, knowledge or experience to our young people to become work ready?
We welcome and are always grateful for external support with the careers programme and work well with a range of outside agencies and providers. If you wish to discuss a potential offer of support, or you have any further enquiries, then please contact Miss L. Parkinson on laura.parkinson@coopacademies.co.uk. or Miss S Maidment on sarah.maidment@coopacademies.co.uk
If you feel you may be able to assist us with any of the following high impact opportunities, please do contact out careers lead Miss L.Parkinson:
Employer talks
Enterprise activities
Work experience or job shadowing
Business site visits
CV, application or assessment processes support.
We are not always able to take up all offers of support. However, we are grateful to receive these.